rose petals - soothing and aromatic, they promote a sense of tranquility and relaxation. They are also said to have calming properties for the skin, circulation and nervous system;
calendula - used widely in cooking for its beautiful bright petals and mildly sweet flavour, it is also a natural energetic, offering a gentle mood boost;
damiana - long hailed as an aphrodisiac, it was used as an euphoria-inducing substance by the native peoples of Mexico. It was also believed to give a subtle energy lift & promote lucid dreams;
chamomile - one of the popular medicinal herbs around the globe for its calming, soothing, untinflamatory effects, as well as its sweet flavor;
hibiscus - a flower that adds flavor and color to any herbal blend, it has been historically used as an aphrodesiac, believed to boost libido, incite passion and even attract lovers.